
founder of Prarambhika school, ranjana-chowdhary

Mrs. Ranjana Chowdhary
Chairman & Founder

I am grateful to all the parents for their unstinting support. We started our journey with questions not necessarily with answers. I admire your patience, in giving me and my team the space to find these answers. I am grateful to you for putting your anxieties behind and putting your faith forward. I am grateful to you for trusting us with your most priceless gift.

My team and I will leave no stone unturned to ensure that students of Prarambhika have the finest learning experience. Education is the foundation of life that keeps the wheels of progress and development running. Keeping this in mind, Prarambhika offers an impeccable quality education under unique conditions. It is the mélange of a wholesome educational programme that facilitates the child’s quest for knowledge, enhancing the quality of life and preparing them for the real world. These are the distinctive hallmarks of a ‘Prarambhikite’.

We are proud to admit that this is the kind of education that is being imparted at Prarambhika, undertaking the responsibility and commitment to produce successful, responsible and proud citizens-the future of our nation.

It takes courage to create an environment of questioning in the classroom. It takes vulnerability and strong leadership on the part of teachers to become learners with children. Our teachers have taken complete ownership, and at huge personal cost, to give the best to our students.


Knowledge is defined as remembering of previously learned material. This may involve the recall of a wide range of material, from specific facts to complete theories, but all that is required is the bringing to mind of the appropriate information. Knowledge represents the lowest level of learning outcomes in the cognitive domain.


Comprehension is defined as the ability to grasp the meaning of material. This may be shown by translating material from one form to another (words to numbers), by interpreting material (explaining or summarizing), and by estimating furture trends (predicting consequences or effects). These learning outcomes go one step beyond the simple remembering of material, and represent the lowest level of understanding.


Application refers to the ability to use learned material in new and concrete situations. This may include the application of such things as rules, methods, concepts, principles, laws, and theories. Learning outcomes in this area require a higher level of understanding than those under comprehension.


Analysis refers to the ability to break down material into its component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood. This may include the identification of the parts, analysis of the relationships between parts, and recognition of the organizational principles involved. Learning outcomes here represent a higher intellectual level than comprehension and application becasue they require an understanding of both the content and the structural form of the material.


Evaluation is concerned with the ability to judge the value of material (statement, novel, poem, research report) for a given purpose. The judgements are to be based on definite criteria. These may be internal criteria (organization) or external criteria (relevance to the purpose) and the student may determine the criteria or be given them. Learning outcomes in this area are highest in the cognitive hierarchy because they contain elements of all the other categories, plus conscious value judgements based on clearly defined criteria.